UK PM Boris Johnson was in India on a two-day visit. On 22/4/2022, second day of visit, he was in Delhi. He said UK raises human rights issues in India privately and in a friendly way.
India should remind UK its record on lack of human rights. Children have died because of judicial and medical murders. There are four cases India should specifically mention.
Charles Matthew William Gard, son of Christopher Gard and Constance Yates, popularly known as Charlie Gard, was born on 4/8/2016. After some months he was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Tests revealed he had infantile onset encephalomyopathic Mitrochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS). Charlie’s parents wanted him to have nucleoside bypass therapy (NBT). Neurologist Michio Hirano in New York was contacted. He agreed to treat Charlie. Christopher and Constance raised money to take Charlie to New York. By this time Charlie’s condition had worsened. GOSH doctors said Charlie’s life support should be switched off. Christopher and Constance did not agree. On 24/2/2017 GOSH asked the High Court to allow switch off life support.
On 3/3/2017 Justice Nicholas Francis of High Court started to hear the case. On 11/4/2017 he ruled doctors can stop life support. Christopher and Constance appealed to Court of Appeal on 3/5/2017. It heard them on 23/5/2017 and dismissed their appeal on 25/5/2017. On 8/6/2017 UK Supreme Court rejected their appeal. On 20/6/2017 European Court of Human Rights received written submissions from Christopher and Constance’s lawyers and rejected their appeal on 27/6/2017.
On 3/7/2017 Pope Francis said wishes of Charlie’s parents should be respected and human life should be protected. USA’s President Donald Trump tweeted “If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so.” Bambino Gesu Hospital was ready to take Charlie.
On 7/7/2017 GOSH appealed for fresh hearing at High Court. On 10/7/2017 Christopher and Constance appeared before Justice Nicholas Francis and wanted full hearing in two weeks and for him to recuse as he has already made up his mind. Justice Nicholas Francis refused to recuse and continued with hearing. On 17/7/2017 Michio Hirano flew to London. He examined Charlie and said it was too late. On 24/7/2017 Christopher Gard and Constance Yates ended their legal fight to save Charles Matthew William Gard. On 27/7/2017 Justice Nicholas Francis ruled that Charlie should be moved to a hospice to spend his final hours.
On 28/7/2017 shortly after 3 p.m. Charles Matthew William Gard’s life support was switched off. Minutes later he was dead. One week later he would have been one year old.
Alfie Evans, son of Thomas Evans and Kate James, was born on 9/5/2016. On 14/12/2016 he was admitted to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. He had a neurological disorder. Alfie’s parents wanted him to take him to Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome. In September 2017, doctors of Bambino Gesu Hospital gave their report. They could prolong ventilator support. Alder Hey Children’s Hospital doctors did not allow Thomas and Kate to take Alfie. On 19/12/2017 Alder Hey Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust appealed to High Court in Liverpool for permission to end ventilation. On 20/2/2018 Justice Anthony Hayden ruled in favour of the hospital. Thomas and Kate went on appeals. On 6/3/2018 Court of Appeals rejected their appeal. On 20/3/2018 UK Supreme Court rejected their appeal. On 28/3/2018 European Court of Human Rights rejected their appeal. The three judges said there was no violation of human rights. For them right to life is not a human right.
On 11/4/2018 Justice Anthony Hayden approved plan to end Alfie’s life, in other words calculated cold blooded murder. On 17/4/2018 Thomas and Kate appealed again to UK Supreme Court. This was rejected on 20/4/2018.
On 16/4/2018 Christian Legal Centre represented Thomas and Kate for custody of Alfie. Court of Appeal and UK Supreme Court rejected their appeal. One 18/4/2018 Thomas Evans flew to Rome and met Pope Francis who supported him. On 23/4/2018 Italy granted citizenship to Alfie Evans.
On 23/4/2018 Alfie’s ventilation was withdrawn. Justice Anthony Hayden rejected appeal to fly Alfie to Rome. Court of Appeal rejected appeal to fly Alfie to Rome. Alfie continued to breath. He died at 2.30 a.m. on 28/4/2018. In 11 days he would have been two years old. Without food and water many healthy adults die in five days.
Alta Fixsler, daughter of Chaya and Abraham Fixsler, was born in December 2018. She had brain injury at birth. She could not breathe, eat or drink without medical help. When she was born, doctors said she would not live more than a few hours. Alta survived. She was in Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH). Her parents were Israeli citizens and Hassidic Jews. Abraham was also a US citizen.
RMCH wanted to end life support to Alta. Abraham and Chaya did not agree. Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MUNFT) which manages RMCH went to court. The case was heard in High Court. Abraham and Chaya’s lawyer Victoria Butler implored the trust to allow the parents to take the child to a hospital in Jerusalem. MUNFT did not agree. On 28/5/2021 Justice Alistair William Orchard MacDonald ruled in favour of the trust.
On 9/6/2021 Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote to Prince Charles to help the family to move their daughter to Jerusalem. On 28/7/2021 USA granted visa to Alta.
On 4/8/2021 European Court of Human Rights rejected the appeal of Abraham and Chaya.
Abraham and Chaya wanted Alta’s life support be withdrawn at home. MUNFT did not agree. On 6/10/2021 Justice Alistair ruled that withdrawal should take place at a children’s hospice. On 19/10/2021 Alta Fixsler died.
Tafida Raqeeb was five years old. She had a brain injury. She was in Royal London Hospital since February 2019. Doctors wanted to end life support. Parents Mohammed Raqeeb and Shelina Begum disagreed. They wanted to take her to Gaslini Children’s Hospital, Genoa, Italy. Barts Health NHS Trust (BHNT) which manages the hospital went to court. On 3/10/2019 Justice Alistair William Orchard MacDonald ruled in favour of parents. BHNT did not appeal. Tafida was in Italy on 16/10/2019. She got better. Prognosis of British doctors proved wrong. They said she would die within two weeks. She is alive after two and a half years.
Justice Alistair William Orchard MacDonald who ruled in favour of Tafida Raqeeb’s parents, ruled against parents of Alta Fixsler. He has contradicted himself. Charles Matthew William Gard, Alfie Evans and Alta Fixsler could have lived if they were allowed to be taken abroad.
In UK, sick children do not have right to life. Parents do not have right to take sick children to another hospital or out of hospital. UK should set itself in order.
India should get back its gold in UK and ask it to return to Venezuela its robbed gold and Malvinas Islands to Argentina.