A reply dt. 26/4/2010 under RTI has revealed facilities granted to former presidents and their spouses, former vice presidents and their spouses and former prime ministers.
Former prime ministers have facilities of secretarial staffers and office expenses without limit for the first five years and after that Rs.6,000/- p.m.
Tag: free accommodation
Salaries of MPs
MPs want increase in salaries. A committee of MPs has recommended that salaries of MPs should be on par with that of Secretaries of Government of India.
For secretaries the salary is Rs.80,000/- p.m. It is not known what allowances and perks they get apart from salary.
For MPs the salary is Rs.16,000/- p.m. They get a constituency allowance of Rs.20,000/- p.m., daily allowance of Rs.1,000/- when Parliament is in session, free accommodation, phones, water, power, healthcare, railway travel and 34 free single air journey tickets.