A reply dt. 26/4/2010 under RTI has revealed facilities granted to former presidents and their spouses, former vice presidents and their spouses and former prime ministers.
Former prime ministers have facilities of secretarial staffers and office expenses without limit for the first five years and after that Rs.6,000/- p.m.
The second schedule of the constitution of India does not mention provisions as to the prime minister. Facilities to former prime ministers should be abolished.
Former presidents receive Rs.75,000/- p.m. as pension, get free accommodation in Type VIII houses with free electricity and water, two telephones and one mobile phone, 250 litres of petrol, free maintenance, driver, free medical aid and free travel by highest class anywhere in India accompanied by one person.
Former vice presidents receive Rs.74,500/- p.m. as pension, get free accommodation in Type VIII houses with free electricity and water, telephone facilities equivalent to an MP, free medical aid and free travel by highest class anywhere in India accompanied by one person. It is not clear whether vice presidents receive 250 litres of petrol, free maintenance and driver.
Facilities to former presidents and former vice presidents should be restricted to pension and free accommodation.
Spouses of former presidents receive 50% pension, get free accommodation in Type VII houses, a telephone, 250 litres of petrol and staff for Rs.12,000/- p.m., free medical aid and free travel a dozen times anywhere in India.
Spouses of former vice presidents receive 50% pension, get free accommodation in Type VII houses, a telephone and free medical aid.
Spouses of former presidents and former vice presidents should not get any facility or pension.