Some months back Praveen Mahajan, serving life sentence for murder of Pramod Mahajan, was out on parole. On the last day of parole he was supposed to have suffered brain haemorrhage and was admitted to an ICU in a hospital. After that his family said they do not have money to pay for his medical expenses and wanted the state to pay for his medical expenses. The state was looking into the issue on humanitarian grounds.
In India there is lot of sympathy for criminals and no sympathy for victims or their families. There should not have been parole. Many times criminals who come out on parole do not return to prisons. Many times criminals give false reasons and come out on parole and enjoy life. Manu Sharma was an example.
It is not known what decision the government of Maharashtra has taken or where the matter stands. The government should not pay for anyone who is out on parole. If the government has a taken a decision to pay it must scrap it and if any money is paid it must recover it from the family. It is easy to get a false medical certificate and any criminal can get admitted to a hospital on the last day of parole and make the government pay for medical expenses and enjoy life somewhere else. India should abolish parole.