I have lost many things over the years. First time I lost a 25 paise coin. It was given to buy two seers of salt. One seer cost 10 paise. I had put the coin in the bag. My mother had told me several times not to lose the coin. So after every few steps I opened the bag and looked. During one such attempt I lost the coin and could not locate it.
I lost my degree certificate. It was a Sunday, 31/7/1994. I had gone for an interview. I had put a file in a bag. I held the degree certificate in a paper cylinder. I had walked to the place of interview and while returning I realised the certificate was missing. I went back searching on the way but could not find it.
I lost my Bank of Baroda cheque book and that resulted in not being able to close the account.
I lost my Manipal Finance Corporation FDRs. The loss is more than Rs.25,000/-. Manipal Finance Corporation is also avoiding payments to people who have FDRs.
I lost my spectacles four times. Third time was on 18/2/2007 and the loss was Rs.1,000/-.
Sometimes I forget to collect change. Once while buying a railway pass worth Rs.88/- I gave a Rs.100/- note and forgot to collect change. Fourth time was on 27/3/2007. After getting down at Vasai Road Station I came out and was standing in queue for autorickshaw. My spectacles were in my bag. There was one SMS. I took out the spectacles to read it. It was a routine SMS from BSNL welcoming me. I put the spectacles in the left pocket of my trousers. I got down at Shreeji Tower at Evershine City and bought bread. It was around 8.25 p.m. After coming out and walking a few steps I realized my spectacles were missing. I went back where I got down. The autorickshaw was not there. I reached home at 8.34 p.m. After a few minutes it occurred tome that the autorickshaw may be in queue waiting for passengers to go to Vasai Road Station. I went there and asked some autorickshaw drivers and saw the autorickshaws there. I could not find the spectacles. Losing spectacles after one month was a bad experience.Â
Apart from losing and forgetting, at times my things were stolen. In local trains my money was stolen several times, passes at least twice, mobile once and bag once. TheÂ
The loss of mobile cost of Rs.8,275/- besides the effort in storing the numbers. That was on 19/2/2004. The cost of losing the bag on 31/5/2004 was around Rs.500/-. It included the cost of may bag, my tiffin box with spoon and Rs.200/- I had paid for a set Xerox copies of purchase agreement of my flat. Mobile and bag were stolen in first class compartment.
Sometimes coins fall from my hands and land up in gutters. Thrice torches fell from my hand in toilets and disappeared.
Sometimes I keep something at a place and the next instant I don’t find it there. Once while arranging my papers I could not find National Savings Certificates.Â
I wonder why and how such things happen to me. Can someone enlighten me?