On 2/4/2010 there was an advertisement in a newspaper about fighting against corruption. I have some questions and comments.
What is meant by ‘top most’ public posts? Do they mean President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Ministers in union cabinet? Does the list include judges of the Supreme Court, IAS and IPS officers, chairman and members of Union Public Service Commission and so on?
Punishment for corruption should be in proportion to the amount. If jail term for corruption of Rs.1 lakh is one year jail term for corruption of Rs.1 crore must be 100 years. For high cases of corruption there should be death penalty. Law must be changed for that.
Candidates for legislative bodies have to declare their assets when they file nomination. Civil servants and others do not have to declare their assets. Did IRI find anything that points to corruption based on the declarations of MPs?
The idea of bringing back black money is mooted by BJP and Baba Ramdev. Who have stashed Rs.70 lakh crores in foreign countries? When Rs.70 lakh crores are brought to India rupee should appreciate. Over the years RBI has printed notes to stop rupee from appreciating. What is IRI’s position on exchange rate of rupee? Successive governments have favoured exporters. Printing notes leads to inflation.
Poverty eradication and creation of world class social and physical infrastructure can be done without recovery of money from foreign countries. Abolish subsidies. Scrap PDS, NREGA and schemes which have corruption. Abolish MPLADS, MLALADS and MLCLADS. Food is rotting in godowns. In some places liquor bottles are stored in FCI godowns and sacks of wheat and rice lie outside. Stop wastage.
What system IRI people have in mind? Do they mean judges and those in anti-corruption bureaus are of no use?
`Corruption in high places’ and `recovery of India’s stolen assets’ are two distinct things. What is the aim of IRI? Is it prevention of corruption in high places or recovery of India’s stolen assets? What about someone who is corrupt and his/her assets are in India?
It is UPA government at the Centre and Congress is the dominant party. Do IRI people think it is becoming fascist? Fascism thrives when law fails to take its course. Corruption has been there in India since independence. May be people did not know about it. The country has not become fascist. Elections take place regularly.
What IRI has to say about corrupt people in state governments and local bodies?
What is IRI’s position on reservations on the basis of caste, tribe, class etc.? There is a competition to backward and extreme backward. Naxal movement is a danger for democracy. Many Naxals want revolution because reservations deprive them chance to get power through ballot so they want it through bullet.
What is IRI’s plan to eradicate corruption in CBI, Public Service Commissions and judiciary?
What is IRI’s stand on former Election Commissioners and Chief Election Commissioners joining political parties, becoming MPs and ministers?
What IRI has to say about Telgi stamp paper case?
What IRI has to say about Madhu Koda case?
What IRI has to say about a former chairman of Public Service Commission who was under investigation? It was said he took Rs.75 lakhs to appoint DSPs and judges. What happened to the people who paid bribes?
IRI people should fight for abolition of taxes, duties, levy, surcharge, cess etc. Most of corruption will disappear.
IRI should fight for right of citizens to prosecute civil servants and for abolition of need of government sanction for prosecuting civil servants.
Those who wish to fight against corruption can contact irinitiative@gmail.com

Sir correption kay against aapki awaj kay mai sath hu or mai apsay chahta hu ki app mujhey direct karey ki mai apki help kaisey kar sakta huu. Thanks and all the best
HELLO SIR: You doing good job,
but even i want be fight against POLICE/NETAS curreption, PLEASE you guide & sajust to me. that how can it be posibale?
To join fight against corruption contact irinitiative@gmail.com.
Black money must come back to our nation. And they must be punished those had done this crime.
Nation’s black money must comback to INDIA.
Corrup practices are an assult on our freedom
and liberty. Make the study of human rights and
all aspects related to it a part of school
A cause to which many honest harrased citizens would like to join. I will like to be associted with the movement.
J K Puri
Ex. Dir. (Retd.) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
A 32, Belvedere Tower, DLF II,
Gurgaon 122002
i would like to join fight against the drecula of corruption which drinks blood of helpless indian citizens..
I would like to join your organization to stop corrupt practices of judges.
increase in corruption is the result of our silence, someone has to speak. i am with u sir
It is the prime task to be taken in India.
Hello Sir,
mai apko join karna chahta hu. mai kese apke is mission main saath de sakta hu?pls tell me. mera manna h ki “Corruption kisi bhi level par kyo na ho use khatam karna chaheye jaese kisi tree ko katne se pehle uski branches ko pehle katna chaheye jisse ki tree asani se kata ja sake.”
“SARTHAK TIMES” (Hindi weekly)
Mobile: 7520055007
what a wonder thought of IRI i have been searching for great people who want make the society “corruptionless”
right to information act also helps us to reach our goal. I wish to join in IRI
excellent task by experienced and expert people to save nation. at every state level such forum must be formed .govt ,semi govt officerscan help the mission to great extent.
more corruption is at state where cbi/cvc can not approach .there is need to raid politicians by forming law. media can ply vital role.thanks and regards
Excellent task by experienced and expert people to save nation. At every state level such forum must be formed .Govt ,semi govt officers can help the mission to great extent.
More corruption is at state where CBI/CVC can not approach .There is need to raid politicians by forming law. Media can ply vital role.Thanks and Regards
this is opened the new great revlution fight against
corruption. iwant to join it and fight against our currupt citizen
Sir i have more informatin plz only call 09210202173
Getting together to fight corruption in high places is indeed a noble idea and the dire need of the hour in our country. I strongly wish to be a part of this noble movement. I also strongly believe that collective efforts are bound to yield their positive results. It is only the first step/thought which takes time to shape. Once the sincere initiative to bell the cat is taken success follows. I recall the saying of Swami Vivekananda which I would like to share with the viewers at this stage in this context that EVERY GREAT WORK HAS TO PASS THROUGH THREE STAGES – FIRST MOCKERY – SECOND OPPOSITION – THIRD ACCEPTANCE. Such has been the history of the world. This noble movement/initiative by the right thinking people of our society is set to pass through the troubled stages successfully and ultimately make this country the best place to live in the world.
sir good information you expressed truth about today society
how to cure this society. every ware corruption . i cont imagine with out corruption our nation .how much money they want ? to stop corruption!.every generation habituated to corrupt society .corruption starts from schools itself .why education needs money? why govt can’t provide free education ?
Most of the communities in India (such as Bengali), are succumbed in ‘Culture of Poverty'(a theory introduced by an American anthropologist Oscar Lewis), irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous absorption of common space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold. Simply depriving their(the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society, fearless & dignified living. Do not ever look for any other positive alternative behaviour (values) to perform human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-parenting of those children those are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us are being driven only by the very animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of ‘poverty’) in their own life/attitude, involve themselves in ‘Production of Space’(Henri Lefebvre), at least initiate a movement by heart, decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come up.
– Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah-711101, India.
Working honestly throughout my career spanning 04 Nov 1972 till retirement on 31 Aug 2007 I was mentally, socially and financially harassed by corrupt system. Now at the last leg of life as retired official I am subjected to loss of more than Rs 6000.00 as Basic Pension and DA thereon it since retired till date, kindly help or suggest where to report the corruption of Bureaucrats.
Anti-Corruption Bureau is there for you to report corruption of bureaucrats. You can write about corruption in your blog site, on Facebook, Twitter and send to newspapers, magazines, and TV channels. All the best in your fight against corruption.