CBN News used to appear on GOD TV at 10.00 p.m. Indian Standard Time. Now it appears at 11.00 p.m. On some days it does not appear. I do not know why.
CBN stands for Christian Broadcasting Network. I do not know to which denomination the owner belongs. It appears he is not a Catholic.
Recently I noticed many things unchristian about this channel. Pat Robertson’s call for Hugo Sanchez’s assassination was criminal. Many times the channel meddles in politics. It justifies Iraq War. More than 2,000 American marines have died. Secular character of Iraq is destroyed. Fundamentalist Muslims dominate. The channel mostly sides with Republicans.
CBN News can do better. If it gets out of politics it can have wider appeal. It has done well to fight perversities like gay marriages. It should not confuse Christianity with America’s interests, fair or unfair.