Baba Ramdev’s decision to found a political party and contest 543 Lok Sabha seats in 2014 has the BJP worried. BJP President Nitin Gadkari has appealed to Baba Ramdev not to go ahead with the project. BJP is worried that Hindu votes will be split.
BJP and Baba Ramdev have some things in common. Both want Hindu Rashtra. Both talk of getting back black money in foreign banks.
Baba Ramdev knows the political parties in India. He has seen BJP’s rise and fall. He does not expect much from BJP.
BJP has alliance with various parties. It has no plan to contest 543 Lok Sabha seats in 2014.
Baba Ramdev wants death penalty for corruption, rape, dowry death, cow slaughter and terrorism. Many in India will oppose death penalty for cow slaughter. BJP would not like to have death penalty for corruption.