India has agreed to attend Moscow Format talks about Afghanistan on 20/10/2021. China, Iran and Pakistan are expected to attend. Taliban has agreed to send a delegation. After that India wants to hold a conference on Afghanistan on 10 or 11 November. There is no plan to invite Taliban. Pakistan may be invited.
Taliban has not got recognition from other countries but foreign leaders meet Taliban leaders and humanitarian assistance to Afghans is assured, so lack of recognition does not make much difference. Pakistan, Qatar, China, Russia and USA have conferred legitimacy on Taliban.
Daesh challenges Taliban authority. Mosque and other attacks show peace is elusive in Afghanistan. Now Taliban is at the receiving end. Afghanistan was an Islamic Republic. Taliban turned it into an Islamic Emirate. Daesh wants to make it part of Caliphate.
Taliban want to run Afghanistan as per Sharia. There is no place for democracy. Some foreign governments want Taliban to have inclusive government. By that they mean women ministers in government. When Michel Temer of Brazil formed government, it was said to be of white men.
India has to watch what Taliban does about Kashmir. Pakistan wants to annex Kashmir. Taliban leaders have made different statements. It seems they will raise their voice for Muslims in Kashmir but will not want launch armed operations. Relationship between Pakistan and Taliban has soured. On 14/10/2021 PIA suspended flights to Kabul citing order to cut ticket prices to levels before 15/8/2021 as heavy handed inference by Taliban authorities.
India has an Embassy in Kabul and Consulates in Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar and Mazar-i-Sharif which are closed. India had some ongoing projects in Afghanistan which have stopped. It is not safe to open Embassy and Consulates without military presence. Projects can be resumed when Afghanistan at peace. Sending people to complete projects will expose them to abductions and murders by terrorist groups. Democracy in Afghanistan was expected to last when India began those projects. Events proved otherwise.