The events of the last few days have shown that fight against corruption will be hard and the corrupt will do everything to scuttle the Lokpal Bill.
A nameless and faceless coward sent a CD that caused problems for Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan. The Bhushans have gone to Supreme Court. Some want Bhushans to quit the drafting committee and that seems to be the reason for sending the CD. Not many top lawyers joined Anna Hazare in his fight against corruption. Most of them have taken briefs of 2G companies and various criminals. On TV channels they may talk of probity, integrity and transparency but when it comes to briefs they have no compunction in accepting any brief from anyone whether murderer, rapist, molester, swindler, fraudster or some other high criminal.
Some attacked Anna Hazare when he said votes are bought for 100 rupees, liquor and sari. Within days TV channels reported distribution of money and liquor to voters. The amount was not 100 rupees, it was 500 rupees or more. Election Commission confiscated about 40 crore rupees and many liquor bottles.
Anna Hazare wrote to Sonia Gandhi whether she personally approved Digvijay Singh’s attacks on him. She did not reply. Congress spokesperson said that in a democracy everybody has right to his viewpoint. He did not say the views of Digvijay Singh are personal and the party does not endorse them. Digvijay Singh is a general secretary and he would not survive in the party if he expresses views contrary to that of party leader.
Some say why the hurry to pass Lokpal Bill. The bill has been pending since 1968. It will be discussed from 2/5/2011 to 30/6/2011. After that there is enough time for parliament to discuss and pass before 15/8/2011. Where is the hurry? Nobody questioned when Lok Sabha on several occasions passed a dozen or more bills within a few minutes.
India has not been a party to UN Convention against corruption. India’s leaders talk of action against corruption but action is zero.
There is anger among people against corruption. So far the protests have been peaceful. If people lose hope about parliament combating corruption they may resort to violence.
With the revelations coming out of so many SCAMS for the past many months, it is all the more necessary to bring even the P.M , Judiciary and the actions of MPs on the floor of the house under the perview of LOK PAL bill without any exception. It is hoped that better counsel will prevail on our
leaders at the time of discussion and pass the bill as proposed by the Citizens forum. Then only ours can be called a Democratic Country.
I am a Bold and Strong supporter of our Congress party and great fan of the vision & mission of late Rajeev Gandhi in the field of modern technologies like IT, Panchayeti Raj system, various village development programme, foreign Policy, Economical growth of India, power of vote by the young Indians etc. etc., which results India to becomes the most powerful Nation in the world by Economic and big Democracy. But happening from past few years in the political and social development, the supporting leadership in the congress party is failure and very embarrassment performance. Their individual comments, thinking, policies, suggestions towards party is ridiculous and damaging the Heritage of Congress Party which effects Public Faith & Believe.
I believe after Late Rajeev Gandhi, Rahul will be the next young & Dynamic future Prime Minister of India who will lead our country with great Determination and Prosperity through which 70% of rural Indians dreams will come true. The Flag which was hosted by late Rajeev Gandhi signifies of Modern India and it is been seen that it can be carried only in his strong shoulder. As the present situation is going on the Dreams of Rural Indians is hard to get fulfilled.
According to general public opinion, the situations and problems should not be tackled with mean-minded, hard & fast rule where as, it should be tackled with Clam & Polite behaviour not with impulsive decision which would save the heritage and public support for Congress party. The decisions which is been taken by Congress leaders are indigestible by general public which die their dreams.
It is my heartiest Request towards beloved Smt Sonia Gandhi and Dear Rahul Gandhi to look into the present political situation and to guide the sub Leaders of the Party to save our CONGRESS PARTY & THE NATION.