Caroline Stark’s death was tragic. She was two years old. Her five years old brother got a rifle from their father as birthday gift. The rifle was loaded. On 30/4/2013 Caroline Stark’s brother accidentally shot and killed her. It is said the boy was used to shooting the gun and often went shooting with his father on their property.
As long as USA does not repeal second amendment, such things will take place. Merchant of death want to sell guns and they do not care how many people die. They oppose gun control. They do not want background checks. They oppose ban on assault rifles. They glorify guns and have advertisements that promote gifting guns to five years old boys.
Ben Ferguson blamed dumb parenting for Caroline Stark’s death. He said he got guns and gifts on his sixth, seventh, and eighth birthdays and the guns were kept in his father’s room and he was not allowed to use them. His argument shows the obstinacy of merchants of death. If something is not to be used, it should not be given as a gift.
In USA laws on guns differ from state to state. NRA spends lot of money against gun control. Those who favour gun control should show equal or more determination.
I suppose second amendment will be repealed when all merchants of death are shot by the guns they sold.