The atrocities against Christians in Orissa need to be dealth with swiftly.
Criminals must be punished.
Christians were targetted for what Maoists had done.
Many Christians were murdered.
Many more suffered injuries, their houses were burnt, property looted.
Rule of law must prevail.
There was a rally at Azad Maidan, Bombay, on 7/9/2008.
Raphael Cheenath, Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubhaneshwar, Swami Agnivesh and many others participated.
Swami Agnivesh while talking to TV reporters called for the arrest of Praveen Togadia and ban on VHP and Bajrang Dal similar to SIMI.
Later Raphael Cheenath appeared on the RKB Show of Sahara Samay.
He spoke of the plight of Christians in Orissa.
Police did not do anything to prevent crimes and catch criminals.
Some told priests and nuns to run away as they would not be able to protect them.
One nun was gangraped in the presence of 10 policemen.
The priest who tried to protect her was beaten.
The archbishop cannot visit his flock.
Praveen Togadia can go wherever he wants.
Police stations are controlled by VHP.
The RKB Show received many messages by SMS and E-Mail, 95% of which condemned the events in Orissa.
It is time for Christians in Orissa and other parts of India to be prepared for any eventuality and defend themselves.
Christians should learn judo, karate and other arts of self-defence.
India is the largest mobocracy in the world.
Christians should not expect anyone to help them.
State Governments cannot be expected to maintain law and order.
Maoists have threatened to kill many VHP members.
Every death penalty prevents three to eighteen murders.
Murderers must be put to death.
Other crimes also must have swift punishments.
Christianity is a religion of love and peace.
Christians who are persecuted can make the following prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, you converted Saul, persecutor of Christians, and made him Paul, your missionary.
We pray that you turn members of RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal, our persecutors, and make them your missionaries.”