On 26/11/2008 terrorists struck in Bombay. There were shootings at VT, Madam Cama Hospital, Leopold Café and later at Nariman House, Taj Mahal and Trident/Oberoi. Besides Indians citizens of UK, USA and Israel were targets. One terrorist was killed that night, another captured. Policemen belonging to ATS were killed that night.
Next day trains were running but offices were closed. There was no need to shut down the city. Cordoning off the areas where terrorists were holed up would have been enough.
Eight terrorists continued to play havoc at Nariman House, Taj Mahal and Trident/Oberoi. The operations against them continued till the morning of 29/11/2008. The attack lasted about 60 hours.
Heads began to roll. Shivraj Patil, Vilasrao Deshmukh and Raosaheb Patil had to resign. P. Chidamabaram became Home Minister at the Centre.
Pakistan has asked for evidence that its citizens are involved in terrorism against India. Even if the evidence is presented the terrorists will not be given to India. They will be tried in Pakistan.
Abdul Rahman Antulay on 17/12/2008 in Lok Sabha questioned about the death of ATS policemen Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte. Was it terrorism or terrorism plus something was the question? Congress dissociated itself from him. Hemant Karkare was investingating Malegaon blasts case and had received death threats.
Steps are being taken to combat terrorism. Setting up National Investigating Agency and amending Unlawful Activities Prevention Act is not enough. Terrorists have to be hit wherever they are. India should send missiles or unmanned aerial vehicles to destroy terrorist bases.
India should not have double standards regarding terrorism. India should not pressurize Sri Lanka to go soft on LTTE. LTTE should not get support from Indian territory.